Monday, July 11, 2016

7/11/2016 - Developing A Habit, Self Awareness & Asking the Right Questions - Daily Lesson

Everyone seems to be busy living a life that they are just living. It takes time and some sit down, write down thinking to realize the bigger picture. Now I ask you; are you living the life you want now or just standing there as time is passing you by?

Another great question I want to ask you is; what do you do outside of your work life, your school life? What habits do you have when you get home & have time to choose what you want to do?

I know everyone wants to have the luxuries of a new car, a house and the money they need to survive and then some or whatever may be your financial goal. I ask that where you are now; do you even really know what kind of lifestyle you want?

I encourage you to go out there whether you can actually afford it or not. Go look at the cars you want, go out there and take them for a drive. Figure out what you want in a dream house, in all the other things money can bring you.

Sit down, slow down, think and write down what you want out of life, what you want tomorrow to look like, what you want your daily lifestyle to look like and what things you would enjoy doing.

One has to realize that you cannot have aspects of a rich lifestyle (both financially and general lifestyle) if you do not envision yourself driving that car, living in that house, doing the things you want to do.

So what does it take? Develop a habit. Take the ONE thing you want to do in your free time, and pursue it relentlessly, become the best, practice more, spend all your time doing that.

There is much more to write about and to learn everyday, so that is one piece of a continuing story towards shaping your mind to a better life.

With life lessons, today I realized that time will go by always and will not stop for anyone, so the time you make for friends, family & the special people in your life; you need to enjoy it, live it to the fullest and bring out the best moments & fun that you possibly can. I realize that the time that I have went by so quickly when I sit back and relax to figure out that all I want is more time with that special someone. And in my current situation, I do not have the ability to make changes in accordance to my goals.

So to be short:
* Make the most of your time, have fun, give it your all and make the best of it, stay positive, because once that time is gone, it becomes memories.
* Focus on the ONE thing besides work and school life to focus on something you really want to do, and pursue that with your everything, to become the best!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Life's Experiences 6/18 & 6/19

Last nights experience and the realizations of the past two days has definitely left an imprint on the mind. Between relaxing and letting loose to understanding some business principals from work & previous experience is what has really brought a significant step forward.

The things to realize in life is everyone has a birthday. Everyone has their celebrations regardless of which culture or society you belong to; there is something to celebrate and take a part in. So as you know take the time to plan and save for that special person, that family member or friend so that way you can make them happiest they can be. If it is gifts, set aside some money every time you get paid or have income; this is to reinforce the ability to purchase amazing gifts or show someone an awesome experience for when their day come. Even if it is $5 or $10 every week, two weeks or whatever you pay period is. It will add up and you will be happy you did so, the worst that can happen is you have excess for more gifts, another occasion, savings or spending after! 

Last Night~

It's come to an idea that new, often risky or scary things that we once thought were bad or you were unsure of because you don't know what could happen or what will come of the actions is actually, something worth taking the risk. Rather than staying the same and expecting change. Go out and experiencing whatever it may be will be worth it's weight in gold. 


Another point was that while at work it's been something you get used to even though, you know that it's not what you want to be doing with your time; whether the fact you need the money or just want it. To come to an understanding that  being cheerful, happy go lucky and positive has a significant impact not only on your day, but as the people you interact with everyday. Even if that is people that you know or strangers and as well as verbal and non-verbal signs which act as a mirror in a way and shows you are what you think and as well as you reflect on others by how you act.

So to be short in sum:

Today's Lesson(s):

* The saying "you are what you eat" may very well be true. but also goes to show you are what you think. Your thoughts, and the people you surround yourself with, come together to make you the person you are.

*Many people will talk well with high aspirations and dreams, hopes, goals and talk themselves up. And while that may be true and may actually be so; you see if a persons dream's and goals and the way they believe themselves to be is based more over on what they do in actions. 
(You'r daily habits and actions will be a judge to your own success and to look at what people do rather than what they say.)

* If you want to leave a positive impression with whomever in life you interact with, that being an interviewer for a job, a stranger, a friend, family or even a customer. You have to have a positive attitude, outlook and communication skills to share that impression. You are being judged and understood by what you say and how you act. So be happy, be cheerful, be honest and go the extra mile to help someone out.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Life Experiences 6/15/2016

Today's moments that made everything slow down and make everything so special and made me as a person stop thinking and take a look around and see what was happening. As we all know we all get trapped in the box we call Everyday Life. As the clock ticks and time slowly creeps up on us we realize the day we just started has already passed. And at the end some of us go to sleep and repeat for the next. And there is some of us who take moments to slow down and let our mind escape and the thoughts stop and everything in the silence, in the quiet of the night and under the light of the moon and the stars in the sky. Whatever your experience may be take the time to enjoy it as it is a time of tranquility and peace for yourself to stop about everyday life and the thoughts stuck in your mind. 

And if you are among those who just don't know what that might be:
Think back to the times that it has happened before and what you were doing and when it was.

And if you are among the those who have no idea go out and explore different and new things that you would find peaceful and calm and something you would enjoy.

For myself an easy way to relax and sit back is to look at the night sky and become amazed by the stars and the moon in the sky and the silence of the night and the peacefulness of the area around me that too has slowed down and has given a sense of true silence both audible and in your mind.

There was also the moment I was able  to share with a special someone after taking family to a movie. It was special due to the fact that this does not happen often and sharing the experience with everyone has been a touching moment. The thoughts that they were invited and welcomed made them happy and enjoy the time we had spent together. And bringing down the end of the night to a relaxing drive back home with that special person. I could see as we drove down the road traffic and everything behind us as we fly through the road and make our way around the corners and curves until we decided for a late night snack.

And instead of being stuck in the space of the car we shared the moment of peace and happiness looking at the sky above us, sharing our food together in the moment of the night sky, silence and celebration of our time together.

Today's Lesson:

Take the time to enjoy the silence and the world around you and find the moments that make everything relaxing, make time feel as it stopped and slowed down to realize the small things and the beauty of everything around us.